Submissions to InScriptum should be sent electronically as both Word documents and PDF files, and they should not contain authors’ names and affiliations. Personal information, including authors’ names, affiliations, ORCID codes, and email addresses should be sent in cover emails. Authors should prepare papers according to the guidelines outlined in the stylesheet of the journal.


Please note: As from No. 4, submissions are only accepted

1) in the language of the field being discussed (e.g. Spanish literature/language studies – in Spanish, Polish literature/language studies – in Polish, etc.);

2) in English;

3) if pertaining to comparative literature/language studies, in the bibliography-dominant language.

If the language of your submission is other than English, please remember to include the English version of the title, abstract and key words.



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Informacje w języku polskim

Wskazówki redakcyjne

Publication guidelines in Spanish:

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Modelo formato